Originally created for the “She Blinded Me With Science” group show at Gowanus Print Lab in Brooklyn, NY (flyer and full line-up below).
Alison Dubois | Anna Rose | Anya Davidson | April Malig | Benjamin Urkowitz | Catherine Chi | Darcy Smyth | Garrett Hagen | Hiromi Ueyoshi | Iasmin Omar Ata | Janet Sung | Jeremy Sorese | Jesse Balmer | K.L. Ricks | Kat Fajardo | Kelsey Short | KJ Martinet | Lala Albert | Lale Westvind | Leah Wishnia | Magnolia Porter | Mark Ledgerwood | Mia Schwartz | Michael Zumbrun | Nick Sumida | Rachel Hardin | Rebekka Dunlap | Salomao Becker | Sophia Foster Dimino | Zach Hazard Vaupen